Aaron Meredith
associate Pastor
email aaronm@lifepointchurchpa.org
I’m a pretty big fan of Star Wars and dinosaurs. I team up with my wife, Jill, to raise our four kids (Teyla, Levi, Corban, and Quinn) and to look for ways to serve God, our church family, and the community around us. This passion for Jesus started the summer after eighth grade when he gave me life through an experience at Camp Joy El. Before that time, I was a pretty good kid, but I had some internal stuff going on (depression, hatred, loneliness) that was pretty deep for me. But that summer at camp, I felt Jesus ask me if I wanted to choose life with him or not, and by his grace I decided I did. I don’t think I expected a profound change, but in the months that followed I realized I felt like a different person. Depression turned to joy, hatred to love, and loneliness to connected relationships with my spiritual family and most importantly with Jesus. And He has been with me as my true source of Life no matter what happens!
We just started coming to LᴉfePoint in November 2019. Our first Sunday here, it already felt like home! I love the focus on how Jesus gives us Life, the emphasis on doing that Life together as a family, and the passion for reaching out to serve the community around us! We would love to have you come do Life with us, too!