Let's Do Life Together

Sunday Services 9:00am & 10:30am

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Our Mission:

To share the Life message of Jesus

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We believe God has a plan and a vision to reach Chambersburg and the surrounding area and we get to be part of that plan! We believe LᴉfePoint Church is called by God to share the life message of Jesus, to a world that does not know, because eternity is at stake. Our goal is to honor God in all that we do and make as many Jesus followers as possible. 


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Sunday worship:

Come as you are.

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We are just people doing life together and going after God. We strive to honor Him with how we live, how we talk, and how we treat others. We are not perfect but that doesn’t stop us from trying! LᴉfePoint is a place where you can learn about God, grow in grace and be a part of something bigger than yourself. 

No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, God’s love and forgiveness is for you. The past is in the past. God is more concerned for your future. Here at LᴉfePoint you can feel safe exploring and discovering who God is. We are a come as you are church. There is a journey before us!