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First Time Here?

What to Expect

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Welcome! We are honored that you chose to check out LfePoint. We hope you feel welcome, loved, and at home! As you come in the building, you will be greeted and directed to our Connectᴉon Point. Our hospitality team will be happy to share any information and answer any questions you might have. We also have a little gift to say thank you for visiting!

If you have time before worship begins, please enjoy FREE coffee and donuts in the LfePoint Café. 

If you have children ages birth through 5th grade, we would love for them to experience Kidzburg. You can check them in our Lower Level. Check out our Kidzburg page to learn more.

We offer two ways to view our service. In-person worship begins at 9:00  & 10:30 am. Our Facebook Live service begins at 10:30 am. All our services have the same format and contemporary worship style. Our goal is to reflect the true authentic love of Christ in each worship service. 

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Our Gatherings:

When & Where

We are located across the street from the Chambersburg Post Office. Please take advantage of our visitor parking in the front lot. 

If all the parking spaces are full, there is additional parking in the back of the building.

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LfePoint Church

339 Lincoln Way E - Chambersburg, PA- 17201

Get Directions

Meeting Times:

Sunday Mornings - 9:00 am & 10:30 am

Online Facebook Live - 10:30 am

Kidzburg at 9:00 am & 10:30 am

Middle School Group, 6th - 8th grades at 10:30 am

CrossPoint Youth 6 - 8 pm

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